Today acupuncture is most closely associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). However, the ancient practice has received great attention in the western world as well, and is sometimes incorporated into western-style medicinal practices. As the practice has spread and become more widely followed throughout the world, the appearance of medical groups dedicated to one or more area of acupuncture has also become common.
An auricular acupuncturist must be familiar with roughly two hundred acupuncture points that exist in the outer ear. It should be noted that acupuncture needles are never inserted into the auditory canal, the hole leading to the inner ear. An ear acupuncturist’s workspace is the auricle, or fleshy cartilage of the outer ear, also called the pinna.
As with all forms of acupuncture, the acupuncture points found in the outer ear correspond to other locations in the body. By stimulating these points, called acupoints for short, the acupuncture needle sends electrical impulse messages to the brain, which are then thought to stimulate other areas of the body. In this way, auricular acupuncture can relieve pain in the joints and muscles, stimulate the organs and the brain itself, and achieve a number of other therapeutic effects for the patient. The outer ear is thought to be a particularly rich source of these points, which may explain the need for specialization in auricular acupuncture.
Auricular acupuncture is thought to be effective in treating mental/emotional disturbances including anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is also used to treat physical pain such as arthritis, back pain, migraine, headache, tendonitis, and sciatic pain. Through stimulation of corresponding points in the brain and body, auricular acupuncture is also used as a therapy to treat digestive problems such as colitis, chrones disease and indigestion, as well as respiratory and sinus problems like asthma, hay fever and sinusitis.
Auricular Acupuncture is very effective in detoxification and aiding the treatment of substance addiction such as Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking and can also be beneficial in treating obesity and eating disorders.
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Individual appointments can be made at the premises or on-site and a Monthly Acupuncture "open-clinic" is also held.
Why not choose a mix of treatments and give yourself or a loved one that extra special and much needed time out to truly relax, re-fresh and re-balance. Choose the treatments you would like and a tailored price and timing will be given before booking confirmation.