60 minute intensive treatment with Ling-Chi Holistic Health using these wonderful stones as'tools' the treatment targets particular problematic areas working on trigger points and areas of specific tension, knots or spasms to improve posture and range of movement.
Working deep into the connective tissue it works extremely well as a corrective treatment, whilst being wonderfully relaxing, soothing and giving almost instant relief from pain to the client. The additional use of cold stones aids the circulation, relieves deep tension and stubborn knots and unblocks congestion and sooths irritation.
Very beneficial for Whiplash Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Constant Back Pain, Headaches, Sports Injuries, Muscular aches, pains, stiffness and tension.
A full consultation with Ling-Chi Holistic health will take place at the first treatment and there are as with all massage therapies certain conditions that may need GP consent or may not be able to receive this particular therapy.
NB: ONLY these stones must be used in this therapy, NEVER try to collect beach or river stones and heat them yourself, they can shatter and explode.